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Venue Information

Mackie, Onyx 1640i Mixer with 16 Channel, PA Speakers, BagEnd TA6000 and BagEnd D10i subs, BagEnd Bass Cabinet, 15inch, Nemisis NA-650 Bass Guitar Amp, Three Shure Beta 58A microphones, Three Straight microphone stands, Three Boom Mike Stands, Five Music stands, w/out lights, JBL Eon Monitor, Canopus Jazz Drum Set: 10 in, 14 in, and 18 in. Max kick drum allowed is 20 in, Adjustable drum seat, Drum Rug, High hat, 3 iron cobra symbol stands, kick pedal. No symbols @ club, Canopus snare drum, Yorkville keyboard monitor, Baldwin 7 ft grand tuned weekly. ** additional please make arrangements w/club, No Electric Keyboard or Stands, ** keyboards can be placed on acoustic piano.

You can contact us by leaving a message using the form below. For all RESERVATIONS you should include your NAME and PHONE NUMBER in the Your name box for a quick response as well as set time and number of people in your party.


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