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The Wicomico Youth & Civic Center is itself a living War Memorial, with each of its rooms nameed after historically important military conflicts: Normandy, Midway, DaNang and Flanders. Outside the venue, stands the Wicomico War Memorial, which flies flags from each service branch along with a United States, Maryland, Wicomico County and POW-MIA flag.  The flags fly proudly over a brick wall displaying bronze plagues with the names of Wicomico County's fallen veterans from World War II to today.  Complimenting the outside memorial, in the lobby of the WY&CC stands a Tree of Honor - with its gold leaves named in honor of servicemen and women. The outside Wicomico War Memorial and Veteran's Tree of Honor are the result of an active War Memorial Committee.  Those currently serving on the committee include.

The mission behind the Wicomico War Memorial is to honor the armed forces from Wicomico County who lost their lives while serving the United Sta ...

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