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Venue Information

The Warnors Theatre originally opened as the Pantages Theatre in 1928. It was constructed by Alexander Pantages, one of the most prominent managers of vaudeville entertainment and a renowned theater magnate. An immigrant from Greece, Pantages came to the United States and later spent time in the Yukon. He brought the money earned working as a bartender and providing entertainment for the miners back to Seattle, where Pantages purchased his first theater. Before he retired, he owned sixteen large theaters outright and controlled forty more.

All of the houses owned or operated by Pantages were designed by architect B. Marcus Priteca. Pantages personally directed the entire chain, including acquisition, building construction and operation of amusements presented. He was familiar with every vaudeville act booked on the entire circuit. In 1929 the theater was purchased by Warner Brothers, and its name changed to "Warner's Theatre." Fresno thus became the second West ...

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