Venue Information
Scottish restaurant featuring authentic cuisine made from scratch.
Cullen Skink, Haggis, Chicken Tikka Masala, Sassitch and mash, House smoked Scottish Salmon, Haddie Croquettes, Deep Fried mars Bar, Fish and Chips, Bubble and Squeak, Lorne Sausage.....
Over 20 Scottish Craft Beers from Gruit style Seaweed Ale and Heather Ale to rich Porters and Stouts from Orkney Brewery, Skye Brewing company, Williams Brothers and Brewdog.
Music twice a week with open mic on Wednesdays, bands on Thursdays.
We also offer a Coworking environment every week day 12-5pm with FREE WIFI and FREE COFFEE for those with lap tops. A lovely way to work outside the home.
Also 10% off for those who work in Non Profits.
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