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Venue Information

When we opened the doors in 1997 we offered only two beers to customers, the Port Townsend Pale Ale and The Port Townsend Brown Porter. Since that time we have grown to brew over 10 ales. With the help of brewing consultant Vince Cottone (Sound Brewing Systems Inc.), Master of Malting and Brewing Sciences, Jim Pryor (Victoria B.C., Canada), professional brewers, Bill Pearson and Barry Ladell the brewery got off the ground. Without them we would not be here today!

In 2003 we went from bottling just two of our beers to all 10. We replaced our original 7 Bbl system with a new 15 Bbl system, we bought four more conditioning tanks, and expanded our beer garden to include a bandstand , lots more seating and outdoor heating.

We have also evolved into being major sponsors for many events in Port Townsend. The largest event; The Wooden Boat Festival is held the 2nd weekend in September and provides one of the largest shows of wooden boats in the country. Centrum Arts - Blues F ...

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