Venue Information
Entertaining North East Ohio for Over 40 years! We provide a huge main room, two stages and a great PA system
for a variety of live music.We have a Allen heath 24 channel board, with 4 sub mixes, 3 monitor mixes and a four way system.
We are pushing over 6000 watts with..
P A drivers two 18'' low subs
Four 18'' and four 12'' for the mids
Four 4'' for the highs
Four 3'' for the ultra highs
On stage we use
sm 58 vocal mikes
sm57 instrument mikes
Sennheiser drum mikesWe have a light sonics board with.16 controllable parcans 700 watt strobe light with a chauvet controller Special arrangements that are not listed above can be made.We have Two full service bars for all your drinking needs.Oh, and we have a big patio for smoking... and it has a bar too!Wanna book your band to play The Outpost? Visit our BANDS page.
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