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Thought to have been built in 1880, historic Nelligan Hall appears in records to have begun as the Globe Vaudeville Theater. In the 1930's the building was adopted as Democratic Campaign Headquarters in the area and was the longtime home of the North End Social Club. According to Portland Museum Executive Director, Natalie Andrews, a common saying in the neighborhood was, "If you want something done in Portland, you HAVE to go through Nelligan Hall."The 4,309 sf building, located in the middle of the Portland Neighborhood, and directly adjacent to the Falls of the Ohio and Shippingport Island also happens to be 8 blocks west of Fort-on-Shore, Louisville's first settlement founded by General George Rogers Clark in 1778.

Over the last 7 years, the current owners, whom are visual artists and cultural movers and shakers have repaired compromised areas of the building, and maintained rent-able art studios and band practice spaces, giving the old building a whole ...

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