Venue Information
Holy Trinity is vibrant, progressive, and diverse. Many were raised Lutheran but lots of others were Roman Catholics, other Protestants, or sometimes nothing at all. More than half are in their 20s and 30s, reflecting our neighborhood. We have a number of people who come to church alone, either because they are single or their partner does not attend. There are many families with young children. In fact, there are more than 70 children under ten, including many infants. The LBGT community is well-represented and there are a number of same-sex couples, some with children. Some members have seminary degrees and others are new to the faith. Holy Trinity has a strong connection with the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and each year we have one or more seminarians as part of the ministry team.
Our theology reflects the Lutheran emphasis on grace, and the need for continuing reformation of the Church as it seeks ways to speak the gospel powerfully to contemporary culture. W ...
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