Venue Information
The First Parish of Watertown is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. Worship services are held every Sunday morning at 10:30 am from September to June. Lay-led services are held during the summer months starting at 9:30 am. Children remain with their families for the first few minutes of nearly every worship service. After that, they are invited to attend age-appropriate Religious Education classes.
Services are followed by social hour downstairs, where you can enjoy coffee, refreshments and conversation.
The First Parish of Watertown offers a variety of programs to respond to individual spiritual needs. Orientation classes for newcomers are offered in the Fall and Winter. Adult classes and support groups are offered on a regular basis. Our Social Action Committee sponsors a monthly Giving Box where parishioners have the opportunity to contriubte to a variety of local social service organizations. Information about all of our programs ...
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