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The Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture (BSEC)is a congregation of individuals and families who choose to,emphasize personal growth and social progress as high on their list of priorities.BSEC is a community of,communities,attracting good people from all religious traditions, backgrounds, races, family configurations and sexual orientations.

We are a liberal religious and educational fellowship without formal creed or dogma. We hold a strong, shared faith in the potential of human beings to develop our compassion, wisdom, and ability to work together – to bring about a caring, just and sustainable world.The Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture was founded in 1906 to create a supportive community within which people learn, grow, raise families, and act to create a better, more humane world.

An Ethical Society is for people who care about becoming the best they can be,and who care about the,disempowered. Together, we seek to raise the quality of our r ...

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