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Venue Information

Welcome! We are a Greek Orthodox church community from all walks of life and ages located in San Francisco, Ca.Whether you are a guest, an inquirer, or a visitor from another parish, we are pleased you are here. Father Stephen and Father Niko are personally available to answer any questions you may have about Orthodox Christianity, or your personal faith journey.

We understand what it's like to be in a new city. Please contact us and arrange an appointment with Father Stephen. We will be happy to have someone meet you before Sunday services and introduce you to members of our community. Please allow us to welcome you.Yes! We are very comfortable with newcomers, inquirers and visitors. Following the Sunday Divine Liturgy, you are invited to join us for a coffee hour which is a good time to get to know our parish members and meet our priests. If you are not interested in social interaction at first, that’s fine. You are always welcome to follow your own pace and leve ...

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